
Minimal iOS version that PreditKit supports

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I used PrediKit in two projects installed through CocoaPods.

In my new one I used Carthage and now XCode throws an error: Module file's minimum deployment target is ios8.3 v8.3: .../Carthage/Build/iOS/PrediKit.framework/Modules/PrediKit.swiftmodule/i386.swiftmodule

What I'm doing wrong or did in my previous two projects?

What is the minimum iOS target that your project supports?

Carthage installs based on the project included in the repo. The project in the repo supports a minimum of iOS 8.3

The minimum target of my project is 8.0

I changed minimum target version of included project and builded PrediKit again and it works as expected (as I see).

Why you set iOS 8.3 as a target in that project?

There was a reason for it at the time but for the life of me I can't recall why. I will update it to using iOS 8.0 only and then push up the change.

Fixed with the last release.