
Balance is somewhat different from the vanilla game

ByBurton opened this issue · 2 comments

Just an example: In vanilla a Rat or Sultan could sometimes kill a stronger opponent that is slower, like the Wolf.
Or the Snake was in most cases just as strong as the Pig.
In your case the Rat can not kill anyone, ever. No matter the map or the start conditions.

I suggest a few buffs to the Rat. I will (maybe) edit this issues with all other cases, when I find the time.

Just a simple suggestion.

(And I am DEFINITELY NOT just saying that because I love the Rat!)

xD i know you might think that the rat cannot kill the wolf. But in fact it can. It just depends on the ressources given to the wolf. Have you tried the rat vs the wolf on a low ressource map? I am sure the rat will beat the wolf just fine with 2k startgold each :D

But anyways, i am always interested in other peoples playing scenarios and tests, so if you would share why you think the rat needs further buffs, you can definitly shre that here. Which aic did you use for testing? And which maps did you try out?

@ByBurton i just added a testmaps folder of 15 testmaps that get used for testing the aiv's for vanilla game conditions. Most of them are directly taken out of the game. Keep in mind that not all aiv's always have to fit all spots, but should remain mostly functional anyways.