Fix duplicates
Kreyren opened this issue · 0 comments
Kreyren commented
# fixme: cleanup. For wow64 registries, some/all entries need to be duplicated.
# Not sure of the best way yet, but thinking running wine/wine64 regedit for each?
# on windows, doesn't work without cmd /c
case "$W_PLATFORM" in
windows_cygwin|wine_cmd) cmdc="cmd /c";;
nix_linux|nix_freebsd|nix_darwin) unset cmdc ;;
nix_redox) w_die "Platform '$W_PLATFORM' is not implemented in w_try_regedit32()" ;;
windows_windows) w_die "Platform '$W_PLATFORM' is not implemented in w_try_regedit32()" ;;
*) w_die "Unknown platform '$W_PLATFORM' parsed in w_try_regedit32()"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
w_try "$WINE_MULTI" $cmdc regedit $W_UNATTENDED_SLASH_S "$@"
# on windows, doesn't work without cmd /c
case "$W_PLATFORM" in
windows_cygwin|wine_cmd) cmdc="cmd /c";;
nix_linux|nix_freebsd|nix_darwin) unset cmdc ;;
nix_redox) w_die "Platform '$W_PLATFORM' is not implemented in w_try_regedit64()" ;;
windows_windows) w_die "Platform '$W_PLATFORM' is not implemented in w_try_regedit64()" ;;
*) w_die "Unknown platform '$W_PLATFORM' parsed in w_try_regedit64()"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
w_try "$WINE64" $cmdc regedit $W_UNATTENDED_SLASH_S "$@"