
Table Paginator shows double the expected results on the final page

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Something's up with the pagination code, I think something in DoctrineOrmResultSetFactory 's getPaginatorItems isn't quite right:

Worked basic example:

// controller
$table = $this->createDataTable(

return $this->render('test.html.twig', [
  'table' => $table->createView(),

// repository
public function getTestQuery(): QueryBuilder
    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('entity');
    return $qb;

// table
class TestTableType extends AbstractDataTableType
    public function buildDataTable(DataTableBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
            ->setDefaultPaginationData(new PaginationData(
                page: 1,
                perPage: 10,
            ->addColumn('moduleCode', TextColumnType::class, [
                'sort' => true,

Correctly shows number of pages and item count

Penultimate page /test?page_test_table=31 shows correctly too

Last page /test?page_test_table=32 returns too many results

Doctrine shows a second query being run on the last page:

Thanks for the bug report! I noticed this issue in one of my projects yesterday, but had no time to debug it properly. I think you're right, the result set factory seems to be the cause. I'll try to fix it asap when I'm on my work computer tomorrow :)

Thanks for the update :) I would've worked on a fix + PR if I had more time to investigate!

Hey @kris-sum, this issue should be fixed in the 0.17.11 version, can you please confirm it is working in your project?

Looks great! Thank you for the speedy response