
Browser APIs code generation

Closed this issue · 2 comments

First of all, well done on your talk on dotNET, very clear explanations!

Apologies for the way I am reaching out to you, I couldn't find your email. Have you thought about auto generating apis wrappers from specs from wicg?

I would like to offer my help if that's something you would contemplate doing.

Thanks a lot Pablo. 😀

It is a perfectly fine place to reach out.

I have actually thougt about it. I talked shortly about it on Twitter with David Pine about two months ago (you can see the thread here). He used the tweet in one of his videos on the .NET Community Standup where he talks about the project blazorators that he is working on which is exactly auto generating wrappers for APIs in Blazor. He has actually made an issue for creating a seperated TypeScript parser so that the specific parser could be interchanged for some other standard be it Web IDL or something similar.

I would in general love to look more into Source Generation and what options that bring. I think David's project is a good place to start that work if you are interested in that as well. Then I might change this project to use Source Generation some time in the future.

Oh great!

Thanks for the pointer to look into blazorators, that’s pretty much what I had in mind.

Take care!