
This is second Course in the specialization Data science with Python offered by University of Michigan.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Applied Plotting Charting Data Representation in Python - University of Michigan

This is second Course in the specialization Data science with Python offered by University of Michigan.

Week 1

This week covers basic principles of Information Visualization and is divided in 3 parts

  1. The Visualization wheel (Alberto Cairo)
  2. Graphical Heuristics (Edward Tufte)
  3. Truthful art principles (Alberto Cairo)

Week 2

This week covers the matplotlib architecture and hands on matplotlib.pyplot to create scatterplots, line charts, bar charts and Dejunkifying plots. You can find the complete notebook here

This week's assignment covered working with real world CSV weather data. Data was manipulated to display the minimum and maximum temperature for a range of dates. Additionally, a composite chart was created by overlaying a scatter plot of record breaking data for a given year. The complete notebook is here

Week 3

This week covers subplots, histograms, Boxplots, Heatmaps, Interactivit and animation using matplotlib. The complete notebook is here Also, this week's assignment was to build a custom visualization. Some Interactive viualization that I build is in this notebok.

Week 4

Final week covers introduction to seaborn and plotting with pandas. The complete notebook is here. The final week's assignment was to find a dataset, develop a research question and finally answer it using visulaization. The pdf file and source code is also included.

Hope this Helps :)

Kudos !!