Dark Mode / Themes
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Requesting dark mode feature.
Detailed what?
The white used in the UI should be darkened. Not any images. Test all visible elements using an invert (bgcolor = black, color = white). If the UI is usable at that point, the fix should be easy.
A recent YouTube stream mentioned it as a request as did the streamer as did someone in the df forum page for LegendsViewer as am I right now. You can see in the video, the amount of light emitting from the monitor as it's maximized. If looking at the UI causes pain in tired eyes, then the brain attached to those eyes will perceive opening the app as being painful.
The RGB of the background color is (255,255,255), text is (0,0,0) and the UI is (240,240,240). Windows 10 uses roughly a (222,222,222) for the light mode taskbar background and a the clock text is (0,0,0).
- Try testing a background 25% darker (191,191,191) and a foreground 25% lighter (64,64,64). Notice it's the background that has the biggest impact of pupil size.
- To show a method used to allow light mode apps. Test reducing your monitors contrast to 0 and brightness to 0. Finally, in control panel, turn on and increase the night light strength -- which is similar to the blocked f.lux to see how effective mostly reducing the blue color is. My test using a phone camera on my monitor displaying a (255,255,255) color shows using f.lux at
- 6500K: (194,188,234)
- 1900K: (234,146,49)
- Solarized: bg (0, 43, 54) / fg (131,148,150) -- and the colors listed on the page provide ideas of what color would compliment the UI.
- Material Skin: for C# with many examples found searching for MaterialSkin.2 -- it makes it easy to allow users to define their own colors or you provide popular themes for them.