
Problem finding other installed versions of java.

kolan2222 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using IBM Semeru JDK x64 installed via msi package. The paths in the environment variables are correct.
Yes, I know that it is possible to manually specify the path to java, but I decided to suggest this fix. I think it is appropriate.
You may have to scan the paths in the registry. (guessing)
And output the list of installed java from oracle versions not only for JRE but also for JDK from any developer(vendor).

greeting, I have done some extensive testing and I found out that, the default paths are hard-coded into the .exe file, the paths are these lines:
it basically point to C:\Program Files\Java\foldername\bin\javaw.exe (foldername is replaced with whatever name the jdk folder is)
so to fix this, for instance, the jdk folder name is "jdk8", you have to move it to C:\Program Files\Java\ or
you can create a .bat file like this: (I recommend to do the way above)

set ProgramFiles=%~dp0
set ProgramW6432=%~dp0


create your own new folder, put your new .bat there, create 2 new folder: Java and yourpath.
put the .exe file into yourpath folder and the jdk8 folder into Java Folder.

proof it is working: (I randomly named my jdk folder gswg)