
Failed compression files contains filter Alpha css rules

EmilTemirov opened this issue · 2 comments

Compression doesn't work with the following css rules:

  • -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"(Opacity=70);
  • filter:alpha(Opacity=70);

I've got error:
scss.errors.SassSyntaxError: Syntax error after u'Alpha(Opacity': Found u'=0)' but expected one of ",", ":", ADD, ALPHA_FUNCTION,...

Note: filter:alpha(opacity=70); works great.

eevee commented

I can make the opacity case-insensitive, but I've never seen a filter with a quoted string as a function name before, and offhand I'm not sure how to coax that into working. Does IE seriously accept that?

Also is there a compelling reason it has to be quoted? :)

eevee commented

Fixed the Opacity case in 1.3.5, at least.