
Consider uploading wheels to PyPI

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Uploading wheels can speed up installation, because pip is building them explicitly:

Building wheels for collected packages: pyScss, enum34, pathlib
  Running bdist_wheel for pyScss
  Stored in directory: ...Local\pip\Cache\wheels\43\5c\a5\ef477e7a092be9a8197d9759303693c5d5556a129688118568
  Running bdist_wheel for enum34
  Stored in directory: ...Local\pip\Cache\wheels\d1\b2\2c\b51348698bd1921a226cf48d790b282d86fb4bcf9728afd6b3
  Running bdist_wheel for pathlib
  Stored in directory: ...Local\pip\Cache\wheels\84\4b\e9\2c35393d25f4a858caf5bafc2f822abb7171c52369a6010709
Successfully built pyScss enum34 pathlib
eevee commented

I myself only have a Linux development environment, and as far as I'm aware PyPI still rejects Linux wheels.

Also development on this project has slowed down considerably, if you hadn't noticed. :)

Well, everything is slowed, because people need to earn money.

If binary package doesn't include any platform specific code then the wheel should not be Linux specific.