error on fetching pin from a board
mabolhasani opened this issue · 3 comments
when i am trying to fetch pins from board named deepthr3e/virtual-reality-video-gaming I found that when fetching a specific pin the exception thrown "Error reading string. Unexpected token: StartObject. Path 'attribution.embed', line 1, position 425." i investigate the error and found that the issue
in the specific pin we have an object named "Attribution" and in this object have an object named "embed
"and your code doesn't have this object
here an image of the hierarchy of the json of pins
this is the full address of board:
and this is the very pin that causes the issue:
Thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look.
According to their documentation the attribution
element is supposed to be map<string,string>
but in this case embed
is an object
and not a string
2.0.1 will be available on NuGet shortly.
Thank you