
A ZenScript wrapper for safe working with Minecraft's IData.

Primary LanguageZenScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A ZenScript wrapper for safe working with Minecraft's IData.


Drop file D.zs anywhere into your Minecraft 1.12 scripts/ folder.


Use global function D(IData) to get instance of wrapper class.

var data as IData = {
  ench: [
    {lvl: 1, id: 0},
    {lvl: 3, id: 2}

// returns "2"

// returns 1

Wrapper Methods

get([path as string], [default as IData]) as IData

Safe extracting values from stored data by string or numeric keys. All parameters can be null.


  • path optional - Path to required data, separated with . or [].
    If path is null, empty "" or stored data is null, default.d would be returned
  • default optional - An IData object with required path "d", example {d:0}


IData object or null.
If no parameters provided, returns stored data.


const d = D({ Fluid: { name: 'water' }, A: [{ B: 1 }, { C: 2 }] })

// Note: all returned values is IData
d.get() // {Fluid:{name:"water"}, A:[{B:1},{C:2}]}
d.get('...') // null
d.get('Fluid.name') // water
d.get('A[1].C') // 2
d.get('A[4].C') // null
d.get('Q[6]', { d: 6 }) // 6

get<T>([path as string], [default as <T>]) as <T>

Same as get(), but working with typed values.

Supporting types: bool, byte, double, float, int, list, long, map, short, string.
Types are capitalized in function name getInt().


  • path optional - Same as in get()
  • default optional - Same as in get(), but value with type <T>


Same as in get(), but value with type <T>. For numeric values returns 0 instead of null.


const d = D({ Fluid: { name: 'water' }, A: [{ B: 1 }, { C: 2 }] })

d.getInt('A[0].B') + d.getInt('A[1].C') // 3
d.getInt('Q[6]', 7) // 7
d.getInt('Q[6]') // 0
D(true).getBool() // true

check(path as string|string[]) as bool

Check if this path or array of paths has values.


  • path - Path to required data


true if stored data have field by provided path, or if all pathes have fields


D({ A: { B: 1 } }).check('A.B') // true
D({ A: { B: 1 } }).check(['A']) // true
D({ A: { B: 1 } }).check(['A', 'B']) // false

asString() as string

Safe IData.asString() call (prevents exception if stored data is null)


string or "null"


D({}).asString() // "{}"
D({ A: 1 }).asString() // "{A: 1}"
D(null).asString() // "null"

isNil() as bool

Checks if stored data is null.
Equivalent to isNull(D(data).d)


D({}).isNil() // false
D(null).isNil() // true

isPresent() as bool

Opposite to isNil(). Checks if stored data is not null.