
Lost User 2 - EEPROM for simpliest robot

Primary LanguageLua

Lost User - The Simplest Robot

Robot (or drone!) BIOS program for the Minecraft OpenComputers mod.


OC robots are complex to assemble and program. This BIOS program helps to use robots as "users" and in many other ways.



Assemble the robot in the minimum configuration:

  • Case
  • CPU
  • RAM


If you play Enigmatica 2: Expert - Extended, the modpack has a predefined EEPROM recipe.

Find it in JEI and craft it. It will have a colored glow.

EEPROM Crafting

If you crafted it, you can skip the next step Write the Program to EEPROM.

Write the Program to EEPROM

You need a working OC computer to write the BIOS. See this tutorial to assemble your first computer.

  1. Download the file from the internet (requires an Internet Card), run from the command line:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Krutoy242/lostuser/main/lostuser.min.lua
  1. To write to an existing EEPROM, run:
flash -q lostuser.min.lua LostUser

Insert into Robot

Take the EEPROM from the computer case and insert it into the robot.

Combining robot with EEPROM


Program the robot by renaming it. Rename the Robot on an Anvil or with a Labeller.

Name your Robot robot.use(3), place it on the ground, turn it on, and watch it click blocks in front.

Robot activating lever



If you don't want to learn Lua and you need the robot to right/left click, here are a few simple names for the robot and the result:

  • robot.use(3) - The robot will right-click on the block in front.
  • robot.swing(3) - The robot will swing with a sword or break the block in front of it.

Statements and Expressions


The robot will execute its name as Lua code in a while true loop.

Code can be run in any variation - statement or expression, but must still follow Lua code flow rules.

This is a statement


This is an expression

1, sleep(1)

Combining a statement and an expression

a = robot.move(3) return a and robot.use(0)


If an expression returns one or more functions, they will be executed recursively.

Note that all return values are calculated first, and only then will the functions be called.

Calling robot.use(3), and then sleep()

function() return sleep end, robot.use(3)


  1. All components exposed as globals
  2. Components added to globals by big first letter
C	= computer
E	= eeprom
I	= inventory_controller
R	= robot
T	= trading

⚠️ Warning: If two components starts with same letter, only one that shorter and came first after sorting will be exposed by single letter.

For example, if robot have Redstone Card component, letter R will stand for robot rather than redstone.

Additional globals:

  • i - current loop index, starting from 0.

    You can add a number after i to get it by modulus +1.

    i16 = i % 16 + 1
  • sleep(seconds: number = 1)
  • long(shortand) - write the long name of the shorthand.
    long'Ru3' -- prints "robot.use(3)"


Since a Robot or Drone name can have only 64 characters, pointers must be shortened.

So, instead of writing the full pointer name, you can shorten it. For example, instead of writing robot.use(3), you can write r.u(3), or even Ru3.

Shortening rules:

  1. If a key has an exact non-nil match, it will be returned.

    R.use(3) - R is a global representing the robot component.

  2. The shorthand must contain the first letter and then, optionally, any number of remaining letters.

    tbl.unk => table.unpack
    t.u => table.unpack
  3. If several names have the same first letter, the shortest, alphabetically sorted name will be picked first.

    robot.s   -- robot.slot
    robot.se  -- robot.space
    robot.sel -- robot.select
  4. A big first letter with a dot . can be used without the dot.

    1. First, bug letter would be indexed.
    2. If not found, anything that start with this big letter.
    3. Lastly, anything that start with lowercased first letter.
    -- Same pointers
    robot.use == R.use == Ruse == Ru
  5. A number at the end of a shorthand will call the shorthand as a function with that number as the first argument.

    Ru3 -- robot.use(3)
    s10 -- sleep(10)

    At the same time, if it's a table instead of a function, all keys of the table will be naturally sorted and the Nth element returned.

    R16 -- robot.select

    See more in Numeric Dictionary.

  6. Local variables can't be shortened.

    local query = {len=4}
    q.l -- Exception: q is nil
    query.l -- l is nil
    query.len -- 4

Lodash _

The low dash _ is a special helper function.

Indexing _

  • Using _ with numbers _123 Will return a new array-like list with the length of the number. If the first digit is 0, the table will be zero-based.
    _8  -- returns {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
    _08 -- returns {[0]=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
  • Using _ with words _abc Creates a function that will write the result into the abc variable. The function returns the passed value. Note that _abc is functional.
    -- Writes `4` into global `a`, returns 4
    _a(4) == (function() a = 4; return a end)()
    -- Create func. that write result of `Ru` into global `a`
    _a^Ru == function(...) a = robot.use(...); return a end
    -- Writes into table member
    b._a^3 == b.a = 3

Calling _

  • Using _ on a string Will load the code inside this string and return it as a function. Calling this function is always error-safe—if an exception occurs inside, the function will simply return nil.

    _'Rm,s2'()(0) -- calls `sleep(2),robot.move(0)`

    Note that in this example, the _ function returns two values—the robot.move function and the result sleep(2). Only when we call the returned values a second time does robot.move(0) get called.

  • Using _ on a table or function Will convert them into a _{} table or _'' function to use with Functional Programming.

     {1,2}^1 -- would error
    _{1,2}^1 -- would return {1,1} (see Functional Programming)

Functional Programming

Any table or function that you can get from a global will be converted into a special _{} table.

This table is enhanced with additional operator metamethods that help with functional-style programming.

Any iteration or pairs() calls on these converted tables will output elements in naturally sorted order.

Operators behave differently depending on the left and right side of the operator.

Note that whenever a string is detected, it will be loaded and converted to a function in the manner of _'fnc'.


Operator precedence in Lua follows the table below, from higher to lower priority:

  1. ^
  2. unary not # - ~
  3. * / // %
  4. + -
  5. ..
  6. << >>
  7. &
  8. ~
  9. |
  10. < > <= >= ~= ==
  11. and
  12. or

Map ^, +, or &

^, +, and & operators do the same. There are three of them only to manage precedence.

-- Assume that f,g and h is functions
f&g+h -- equal to `f & g(h())`
f+g&h -- equal to `f(g()) & h`
  • Note¹: ^ is right associative. This means the right side will be computed first.

  • Note²: You can also call uncallable tables. t(x) is the same as t^x. Uncallable tables are tables without a __call metatable. Example (map t^f):

    _{1,2,3}'0' -- _{0,0,0}

Classical map

_{4,5,6}^f -- {f(4),f(5),f(6)}

Pick indexes

_{4,5,6}^{3,1} -- {6,4}
Number, Boolean

Push value in END of table

-- _{1,3=3,4=4,5=5,a=6}


f^g -- (...)=>f(g(...))

Unpack as arguments

f^{1,2,3} -- f(1,2,3)
Number, Boolean

Simple call

f^1 -- f(1)
Number, BooleanTable

Get by numerical or boolean index

2^_{4,5,6} -- 5

Not yet implemented

Lambda - / |


Filter, keep only if value is Truthy

_{4,5,6,7}/'v%2' -- {5,7}

Not yet implemented

Number, Boolean

Remove index

_3/2 -- {1=1,3=3}

Reversed composition

f/g -- (...)=>g(f(...))

Simple call

f/R -- f(R)
Number, Boolean


f/1 -- (...)=>f(1,...)
Number, BooleanTable

Get by modulus

i/t -- t[i % #t + 1]

Rotated composition

2/f -- (...)=>f(..., 2)

Loop ~ or *


Not yet implemented


Not yet implemented

Number, Boolean

Not yet implemented


While truthy do

f~g -- while truthy(g(j++)) do f(j) end

Not yet implemented

Number, Boolean

For loop

f~n -- for j=1,TONUMBER(n) do f(j) end
Number, BooleanTable

Not yet implemented


Same as f~n, but without passing index

n~f -- for j=1,TONUMBER(n) do f() end





While truthy do

~f -- repeat until not truthy(f())

Flatten table, using numerical indexes.

  • Order of elements can be different
  • All keys of the table would be converted to indexed
  • Only 1 level of flattening
-- {1,2,3,4,5,{6,c=7}}



Make a function whose result will be flipped. If the result is truthy, returns 0. Return 1 otherwise.

-- id here is function that returns its first arg
(-id)(0) -- 1
(-id)(4) -- 0
(- -id)(4) -- 1

Swap keys and values

-- {a=1,b=2,c=3}



Make a function that would wrap its result into a table. Useful for functions that return several values.

-- Consider `f(n)` returns three values - 2,3,n
f&4   -- 2
#f&4  -- _{2,3,4}


A value is considered truthy if it is not falsy.

falsy values are:

  1. false or nil
  2. '' (empty string)
  3. 0 (number zero)
  4. nan (not a number, n ~= n)
  5. inf or -inf (result of 1/0 or -1/0)


The program has several predefined macros - symbols that will be replaced everywhere with another text.

! => '()'
 => ' and '
 => ' or '
 => ' not '
 => ' return '
 => '(true)'
 => '(false)'


  • Travel between two waypoints and run its label

    Required upgrades: ,

    Drone navigating waypoints

    Drone name:

    • Nf300: Run navigation.findWaypoints(300).
    • i/Nf300: i is the index of script execution. i / table is "Get by index modulus" t[i % #t + 1].
    • P=i/Nf300: Write into the global variable P a different waypoint each script cycle.
    • : will be replaced by return
    • Dm^Pp: calling drone.move(table.unpack(P.position)).
    • s/1~'Dg0>1' => while drone.getOffset() > 1 do sleep(1) end.
    • _(Pl): Load P.label as Lua code. This loaded function would be returned and executed.

    Waypoints labels. The first one just sucks from the bottom, the second one iterates over 4 slots and drops down.

  • Zig-Zag + Use Down, useful for farms

    Required upgrades: none

    Robot farming

    Robot name:

    • m,t=_'Rm3,Ru0',Rtn/(i2>1): define two functions for moving and rotating
      • _'Rm3,Ru0': define a function Rm3,Ru0 that would move forward and use a tool down
      • Rtn/(i2>1): this makes a function that would call Rtn (robot.turn) with the argument i2>1. i2 is shorthand for i%2+1
    • ~m: Makes the robot move forward until it can't move.
    • t!: t is Rtn/(i2>1) while ! replaced with () so the line will become Rtn/(i2>1)(), which means execute turn immediately.
    • _'m!,t!'!ⓞt/m: Move and turn. If the move wasn't successful, turn and move again.
  • Trader bot

    Required upgrades: , ,

    Robot trading


    • Robot must be placed on top of inventory of size 16.
    • Robot must have only one Inventory Upgrade.
    • Villagers must be in 8 meter radius.


    • Robot will pull items required for trades and sell them.
    • Robot will not sell emeralds.

    Robot name:

  • Rune maker

    Required upgrades: ,

    Place ingredients in the first 6 slots of the Robot. Living Rock in the 7th, wand in the 8th.

    Rune crafting setup Robot crafting runes

    Robot name:

    • Rsel^v: Select iterated slot
    • v==7ⓐ{s3,Rm1,Rd(3,1),Rm0}: if it's the 7th slot with Living Rock, wait 3 seconds until the craft is finished, then drop Rock on top.
    • Ie!,Ru3,Ie!: Other slots - just right-click with the item
  • Single tree farm

    Required upgrades: ,

    This robot is intended to use with Forestry saplings, which usually can't be placed as blocks but need to be right-clicked instead.

    Also, the robot needs an unbreakable Broad Axe from TCon with the Global Traveler trait. Additionally, my Axe has the Fertilizing trait - right-click to fertilize.

    Place the robot on top of a container with saplings.

    Robot farming trees

    Robot name:

    • (1|#Rdt&3): Detect the block in front, select the second returned value - block description
    • #()<6: a trick to determine if the block is solid
    • Rsw/3-s/1: Cut the whole tree, wait 1 second
    • Rsk/0-Ie-Ru/3-Ie: Suck sapling from the bottom, then plant it. Note that Rsk derived one value from sleep return
    • Ru3,s: Fertilize sapling
  • Other examples

    • Circular Miner. Using a Hammer with an Alumite part (Global Traveler trait). Place the Robot underground, place a stack of Charcoal Blocks in the selected robot slot. The Robot will start to circle around, mining everything.

      Required upgrades:

      Optional upgrades: ,

    • Robot sorting mob drop. Take from the bottom, damageable items to the top, others forward.

      Required upgrades: ,

    • Cat opener. Takes 16 items in front, right-clicks them, and then dumps the inventory on top.

      Required upgrades: ,

    • Compressing bot. Takes from the front, crafts 3x3, then dumps back.

      Required upgrades: , ,

    • Unstackable bot. Takes an item from the front only if they are unstackable and puts it on top. If it can't drop the item on top, pushes up and places a block.

      Flood all robot slots except 1. Slot 9 should have new inventories for unstackables.

      Required upgrades: , ,



Numeric Dictionary

This is not an actual dictionary - all this information can be generated in-game for every table.

To get sorted numeric values, name the robot this way, where T is a pointer to the desired table:

e((~-T'k')"'\\n'..k..' '..v")

Cheatsheet of most common tables:

R1  use
R2  drop
R3  fill
R4  move
R5  name
R6  slot
R7  suck
R8  turn
R9  type
R10 count
R11 drain
R12 place
R13 space
R14 swing
R15 detect
R16 select
R17 address
R18 compare
R19 compareTo
R20 tankCount
R21 tankLevel
R22 tankSpace
R23 durability
R24 selectTank
R25 transferTo
R26 compareFluid
R27 getLightColor
R28 inventorySize
R29 setLightColor
R30 compareFluidTo
R31 transferFluidTo
I1  slot
I2  type
I3  equip
I4  store
I5  address
I6  dropIntoSlot
I7  getAllStacks
I8  suckFromSlot
I9  compareStacks
I10 storeInternal
I11 getStackInSlot
I12 isEquivalentTo
I13 getInventoryName
I14 getInventorySize
I15 getSlotStackSize
I16 compareToDatabase
I17 areStacksEquivalent
I18 getSlotMaxStackSize
I19 getItemInventorySize
I20 dropIntoItemInventory
I21 suckFromItemInventory
I22 compareStackToDatabase
I23 getStackInInternalSlot
1 type
2 trade
3 getInput
4 getOutput
5 isEnabled
6 getMerchantId
G1 scan
G2 slot
G3 type
G4 store
G5 detect
G6 address
G7 analyze
G8 canSeeSky
G9 isSunVisible
T1 fill
T2 slot
T3 type
T4 drain
T5 address
T6 getTankCount
T7 getTankLevel
T8 getFluidInTank
T9 getTankCapacity
T10 getTankLevelInSlot
T11 getFluidInTankInSlot
T12 getTankCapacityInSlot
T13 getFluidInInternalTank
