
DrawItem event for KryptonComboBox

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Hi, I can't find DrawEvent for KryptonComboBox , should it be here or it's available only for extended toolkit ?

For some reason the event is hidden in the designer, but it is a public Event that can be attched to:

    /// <summary>
    /// Occurs when [draw item].
    /// </summary>
    public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem;

All events are set to [Browsable(false)]?????

From what I can understand in the WinForm code....
If an event exists in a base class, and it directly derived, and an event is being replaced then, [Browsable(false)] is used, e.g.

    public new event EventHandler TextChanged;

If it is a new event, then it need to be exposed, so that the designer can pick it up, e.g.

    [Description("Raises the TrackMouseLeave event in the wrapped control.")]
    public event EventHandler TrackMouseLeave;

So, As the public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem; is an event just for the KCB, then it should have the exposure into the designer for it to be usable.