
[1.19.2 forge] Campfire cooking recipe not using the correct nbt data

YOYOK9 opened this issue · 3 comments

Minecraft Version


KubeJS Version


Rhino Version


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Forge/Fabric Version

Forge 43.3.13

Describe your issue

Was trying to make a custom campfire recipe to turn water bottles into a "purified water" bottle from the Survive mod. Depending on what recipe option I chose event.campfireCooking or event.custom with vanillas datapack structure I would get 1 of 2 results:


ServerEvents.recipes(event => {
    event.campfireCooking(Item.of('minecraft:potion', '{Potion:"survive:purified_water"}'), Item.of('minecraft:potion', '{Potion:"minecraft:water"}'))

Would result in the correct output, but the input was an un-craftable potion.
JEI SS: https://i.imgur.com/OnF1qBq.png


        "type": "minecraft:campfire_cooking",
        "cookingtime": 600,
        "experience": 0.0,
        "ingredient": {
          "item": "minecraft:potion", 
          "nbt": {"Potion":"minecraft:water"}
        "result": "minecraft:potion", 
        "nbt": {"Potion":"survive:purified_water"}

Would result in both input/output to be un-craftable potions
JEI SS: https://i.imgur.com/BVBvOZL.png

I had a chat with 2 devs I know of to try and figure out a solution before reporting here. both thought it was possible issue in Forge itself, However after some poking at the script, this was produced and works with no issues

                type: "forge:partial_nbt",
                item: "minecraft:potion",
                nbt: {
                    Potion: "minecraft:water"

Input and output are as they should be in game.
JEI SS: https://i.imgur.com/3iDuHpa.png

Incase its needed, used Survive-1.19.2-, but should be the same for really any minecraft potion

Crash report/logs

No response

So basically If you use your First script and add a .strongNBT() after the Input Item.of it should work

That worked. Didn't see this when looking at the wiki

Yeah this is intentional, by default Ingredients are set to ignore NBT and KubeJS just keeps with that behaviour (mostly because we don't want to decide on strong / weak NBT for you)