
A simple fun program to simplify modification of song files.

Primary LanguagePython


Don't you just hate it when you wanted an album with separate track files but you somehow received a single 45min Audio file? Fret not, your first world issue is gone thanks to this handy tool.

Just put your Audio (MP3,WAV,etc) file and album art (JPG,PNG) in the Data, along with that provide a .csv file containing the metadata for every track in the album.

Metadata File format startTime,EndTime,SongName,ArtistName

A sample .csv is present in the Data folder for reference, enter the metadata accordingly (Order defines the track# of the album).

When the required libraries are installed and the required files are set; simply run $python3 code.py, enter the prefered album name as input, and BadaBing BadaBoom your precious album goes ZOOM.

All the output track files will be present in the Album folder inside the Data folder.

For ease of use, a tkinter based version is also provided for the normies. You can either trim an audiofile or change it's metadata through the intuitive GUI. Simply run $python3 gui.py, and fill the form accordingly. I have no plans to improve this tool because tkinter is not my favourite thing to work on.


The tool runs on Python3 and requires eye3D and pyDub libraries to be installed on your system. Moreover, FFmpeg library should also be installed to successfully run pyDub on MP3 Files.

EyeD3: https://eyed3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html PyDub: http://pydub.com/ FFmpeg: http://www.ffmpeg.org/