
Search by group name

Opened this issue · 4 comments

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On my desktop I use the classic KeePass (Windows) and often search for results by group name.
I have hundreds of items in the database, so it's not possible to efficiently search just by name or URL etc.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to be able to search by group name. This could be placed here:

Additional context
At first glance a bit similar to #1734 but this is not the same

Oh wow. I never tried the list icon next to the search icon and didn't know about this advanced search feature. Now I realized I can actually search by tags and it's just disabled by default. D'oh!

Why miss the "attachment"; its the only other one which is missing (besides attribute field of course)


Attachment search was simply not a built-in feature. I'm opening a new issue for that.