
extra characters in encrypted msg

rnyPlanet opened this issue · 4 comments

I use Windows 10. and I have additional characters after the encrypting, after which it is impossible to decode.

stegcloak hide --config to_send.json


pycharm. additional characters are characters that are in encrypted_msg between fff and fff

Oh, really!) Thank you! I just forgot to test the decrypt) But there is one more error, after receiving msg from the social network, the msg cannot be decoded.

for example, the following text. maybe the social network has forbidden to encode?

Encrypted text: test ⁢‍⁢⁡‌⁡⁢⁤⁤⁤‌⁢‌‌⁡‍⁡‍⁡⁢‌⁡⁣‍‌‍⁢‌⁢‍⁢⁣⁡⁢⁣⁡‌⁢⁢‍⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁤⁢⁣‌‍‌⁡‍‌⁡⁢⁢‌test
Password: 1
Url of social network: https://web.telegram.org/#/login

And further. I am using a telegram client to receive, send and receive msg. maybe this is due to a third party client?

I believe that telethon is not sent correctly. and so thanks for the help)