
KCL 2023 Roadmap

Peefy opened this issue · 1 comments

Peefy commented

The KCL language is currently in a stage of rapid development. Therefore, in the future, KCL will continue to iteratively evolve around the goals of stability, ease of use, and ecological expansion. At the same time, the KCL language will be used in more field scenarios for continuous iteration and development. The following are some of the contents of the route planning, welcome to discuss and exchange.


  • Documentation improvements: the main content includes KCL specification documentation, KCL Tour documentation, KCL code labs, KCL language courses, KCL best practices Documentation, KCL programming books, etc.
  • language improvements
    • Language feature simplification
    • Language stability improvements
    • Complete package management system
    • Constraints and Policy Capabilities Support
  • Compiler improvements
    • The compiler supports parallel parsing, incremental compilation, and other features to further improve the performance of the main body of the compiler.
    • The evolution of the front-end architecture of the compiler makes the compiler itself have better scalability. The intermediate IR code is extended based on the abstract syntax tree AST to optimize the code as much as possible.
  • Ecological expansion
    • KCL defines API specification: define your own API/CLI/Plugin and other interface definitions through KCL
    • Ecological expansion of multiple domain languages: Support more domain languages ​​and format integration, such as HCL, Jsonnet, Protobuf, Helm, Kustomize, and other language and tool support.
    • Complete multi-language API construction: support KCL compilation, syntax checking, automatic query modification, etc., serialization/deserialization, KCL code writing, and other core API functions, combined with community strength to support Rust/Python/Java/Go and other languages.

KCL v0.7.0


Growth and developer experience

  • Language
    • Developer Experience & Redesigned Lang UI
    • Github KCL code highlighted
  • Tools
    • KCL Import Tool
    • KCL Fix Tool
    • KCL Find Ref Tool
    • KCL Format Tool
    • KCL Test Tool
    • KCL Doc Tool
    • KCL IDE
    • Unified convergence of command line interface to kpm
  • Integrations
    • 300+ Builtin Models & KPM & Registry & ArtifactHub Integration
    • UI & Engine
    • API Composition Project e.g., Crossplane
  • Arch


  • 2023.10
    • Unified KPM CLI
    • KCL Import Tool
    • KCL Find Ref Tool
    • KCL Fix Tool
    • 60+ Models
    • API Composition Project e.g., Crossplane
  • 2023.11
    • KCL Format Tool
    • 150+ Models
    • KCL Test Tool
    • Config UI
  • 2023.12
    • 300+ Modules
    • KCL IDE
    • Arch
    • Config UI & Backstage UI Plugin Design


2024 Roadmap

Peefy commented

The roadmap is basically implemented internally, and it needs to be associated with several big goals and directions.