Pinned issues
- 1
[Method 1] - New PLIST with authorized Devices
#50 opened by DrJapan - 2
[Method 1] chatgpt 没有整合进来
#52 opened by lowprofileusername - 2
[Other] Genmoji not available on macOS 15.2 Beta
#51 opened by lge6 - 18
[Method 1] ChatGPT Integration Login Error
#42 opened by fmatrixch - 4
[Other] eligibility-intel
#48 opened by DrJapan - 7
- 3
[Other] ChatGPT Plus Integrate Issue
#47 opened by HuaDeity - 1
- 5
- 1
[其他]Will performing these methods on the China (Mainland) version of the MacBook affect the official AppleCare warranty policy? 请问国行MacBook执行了这些方法,是否会影响到Apple官方的Apple Care保修政策?
#49 opened by loongyat - 1
[Method 2] **区的apple ID 可以激活吗?
#46 opened by xujipm - 5
- 8
[Other] 安装后map app地图变成原生地图(而不是高德地图)导致定位偏移
#44 opened by Alexz986 - 3
[Method 1] OS_ELIGIBILITY_ANSWER_NOT_ELIGIBLE - SIP Disabled and boot-args correct
#43 opened by Stomplebot - 9
- 1
- 1
- 1
[Method 1] Mac Bricked after OTA
#34 opened by EraserCN - 1
[Method 1] macOS15.2无法和chatgpt通信,但是挂了梯子
#36 opened by fzlzjerry - 4
[Method 1] 启动参数无法添加
#32 opened by YISOW - 4
[Method 2]
#31 opened by JsonKit - 2
- 1
- 23
[Method 2] Not working on macOS 15.0 beta 7
#22 opened by LiYanan2004 - 1
- 9
[Other] Can't use apple intelligence after following the guid on macOS Version 15.1 Beta (24B5046f)
#28 opened by little-weakduck - 6
[Other] A necessary step to activate Clean Up (Part of Apple Intelligence on MacOS 15.1 Beta 3)
#24 opened by TosJojan - 2
- 1
- 1
[Method 1] App Store shows all iOS / iPadOS apps as incompatible after patching
#25 opened by MiKayule - 7
[Method 1] after making all the changes needed, still doesn't work on the latest macOS beta version
#23 opened by YanMinMacMaster - 2
- 11
[Method 2] Still shows "Predictive code completion is not available in this region" after the script executed
#3 opened by ihomway - 2
- 7
[Other] Unknown option '--domain-name'
#10 opened by NiklausChung - 5
- 22
[Method 1] sudo not found
#18 opened by taozhiyuai - 3
[Other] Joined waitlist后5小时依然waitlist
#9 opened by limingyi1225 - 1
[Other] Will method1 change the disk security level to 'Permissive Security'?
#19 opened by SilvaXiang - 4
[Method 1] 没出现Apple Intelligence & Siri"选项
#17 opened by playingapi - 11
[Method 1] Xcode Predictive Code Completion cannot download after unlocking the region limit
#16 opened by fmatrixch - 3
- 10
Mac Mini Fails to Unlock AI on macOS 15.1 beta
#11 opened by owenzhao - 3
[Method 1] Is it required to use non China mainland apple account to join the the AI waitlist?
#8 opened by ItsRyanWu - 5
#15 opened by MuskZhouMQ - 6
- 2
Got Killed 9 when executing the eligibility_util
#13 opened by kasimok - 1
[Method 2] Successfully enabled Apple Intelligence by editing /private/var/db/eligibilityd/eligibility.plist
#12 opened by syx0310 - 1
- 4
[Method 1] 没有解锁apple intelligence
#7 opened by zhenniqi