
Selling shield parts makes the game think you have fewer weapons than you do (with Doom RLA)

bofubutt opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm playing with the most recent GZDoom, Doom RPG, and Doom RLA (plus HUD and monster pack) releases using the Ultimate Doom wad and the Doom 1 compatibility folder. For most of the game, I was limited to the normal six weapons. However, upon selling some extra shield parts from the Shop menu, I noticed that I was suddenly able to pick up more weapons. After some testing, I noticed that, any time I sold a shield part, my weapon count went down, all the way down until the weapon icon disappeared. I still have all of my weapons, however.

Dropping all of my weapons (after getting rid of the extras) and picking them back up solved the issue, but I imagine only until I sell some more shield parts.