
Cannot get the headroom to become transparent

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there! I'm trying to make my headroom into transparent but for some reason I can't access it to become transparent at the very top. Could someone help me out?

<HeadRoom style={{backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,0,0,0)'}} >
            isFixed={ isFixed }
            isWhiteBackground={ isWhiteBackground }
            signup={ () => this.setState({ showSignup: true, showLoginModal: true }) }
            login={ () => this.setState({ showSignup: false, showLoginModal: true })} />

I tried to check in the inspect element and i'm sure that the headroom is the one that has the white background

Found the solution, the headroom was just separating the div basically creating a blank space behind the Headroom. To fix this, I just edited some CSS. My bad!