
I am getting Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop error for GoogleFont

ergunpp opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to setup typography for my gatsbyjs project with the following code:

import Typography from 'typography'

const typography = new Typography({
    headerFontFamily: ['Allura','cursive'],
    bodyFontFamily: ['Open Sans','sans serif'],
    googleFonts: [
            name: 'Allura',
            styles: ['400'],
            name: 'Open Sans',
            styles: ['300','400','600'],
            subsets: ['latin-ext']

export default typography

I am receiving a Warning on compile:

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop typography of type function supplied to GoogleFont, expected object.
in GoogleFont

And when navigating homepage on browser I get the following error:

Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): typography.injectStyles is not a function

Couldn't figure out a solution. Would appreciate urgent help. Thank you in advance folks!

Had a similar issue - downgrading to v0.16.18 helped