
Could Not Save to Remote (but saved in offline cache)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using KeePass v2.51.1, KeeAnywhere v2.0.3 and KeePassHttp v1.8.42 on Windows 11.

My KeePass database is on OneDrive.

I receive an error when I close KeePass:

Could not save to remote (but saved in offline cache)

Code: GeneralException

Message: Unexpected exception returned from the service

Also happening for me with KeePass database on Ondrive when I try to save database after successfully attaching a file using edit entry.

Using KeePass v2.52 (64-bit) KeeAnywhere and Windows 10

I have a a similar error, saving to Dropbox.

1st errow message box:
The new file's content does not match the data that KeePass has written, i.e. writing to the file has failed and it might be corrupted now.

Please try saving again, and if that fails, save the database to a different location.

2nd error message box:
KeeAnywhere Offline Cache:
Could not save to remote (but saved in offline cache)

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <.
Path ", line 0, position 0.