
Not able to use tool / open Dashboard

ramgiteng opened this issue · 3 comments


I created a project on Android studio and performed the following.

  1. Made modifications to the build.gradle on root level and build.gradle on project level by including the dependencies
  2. Created an /assets folder and included install.config.
  3. Created an AndroidGodEye-MethodCanary.js at root level.
  4. Installed the AndroidGodEye plugin in Android studio and provided the port number.

After starting AndroidGodEye dashboard from plugin in Android studio, I am unable to connect.

Do we need to mention the .apk file that is being tested anywhere?
Is there anything more that I would need to do to use this tool to monitor the Android app?

Kyson commented
  1. What is the version of AndroidGodEye?
  2. You should follow the steps of this post:
  3. If it still did't work, show me your source code.

Thanks for the reply. I have followed all of your steps. The version I am using is 3.4.3 I will share the code in my next reply.

Kyson commented


  1. Run your project and show me the logcat, filter:"AndroidGodEye"
  2. Make sure no conflicts on the monitor port, default is 5390
  3. run 'adb devices' and show me the output
