
Can't get Xpadder to work with vjoy

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 7 comments

Running 64 bit Windows 7.
I read that you're currently working on a way to remap the gamepad buttons and 
for now to use xpadder, but I can't get any program to read the controller 
input. It will recognize the vjoy controller but won't take any input. 

Original issue reported on by on 5 Jul 2014 at 11:10

Make sure you're not in mouse mode. Directions on switching modes are on the 
main page.

Original comment by on 28 Sep 2014 at 10:54

Original comment by on 9 Jan 2015 at 4:26

  • Changed state: Accepted
i have the same issuse, i have even tryed not even using the other software 
just vjoy and it wont work for me

Original comment by on 17 Feb 2015 at 8:45

was trying to use xpadder with vjoy but left and top on right stick are stuck 
active. when i was using xpadder by itself, before i installed vjoy, this did 
not happen. it would be nice if i could turn off the main controller portion of 
vjoy and use xpadder since it is more custonizable. running win 7 64bit

Original comment by on 6 Mar 2015 at 8:48

Same issue here, great job on getting this working, but alas, remapping keys is 
the missing piece of the puzzle for me. Xpadder cannt detect any input even 
after deleting the devise and adding it in vJoy again multiple times.

Original comment by on 18 Mar 2015 at 8:53

Try re-calibrating the controller in Windows,

I have tested with Xpadder version 5.7 without issues using the vJoy version linked to in the README. An updated version of vJoy, and/or Xpadder may be needed. They may not like playing well if one is new and the other old. Issue #75 has information on setting this up with a newer version of vJoy. I plan to automate configuration of vJoy, which would be a good chance to update vJoy when I get there. As of now, the current fix that I will accept is to use an older version of Xpadder since it is known to work.