
Group 4: Kyuhwan Lee, Donggyu Lee, Chaeeun Lee, Seongsik Hwang

⚙️ Develop ENV

  • Java 11


  1. GitHub name & password(SSH Key)
  2. Recommend MacBook over M1 (Our Team have only MacBook over M1. If you don't have any MacBook over M1, please send emaill to hanbitchan@unist.ac.kr and we will lend our macbook.)
  3. Each assignment is in the A?_G4 directory. So, if you want to know our assignment1, please go to the A1_G4 directory.

1️⃣ Assignment 1

Move to the A1_G4 directory that contains java codes and dataset for Assignment 1.

cd A1_G4


javac A1_G4_t1.java
java A1_G4_t1 ./groceries.csv 0.05


Before Run, change the exec("TID", inputFile); in main function and then re-compile.

javac A1_G4_t1.java
java A1_G4_t1 ./groceries.csv 0.05


javac A1_G4_t2.java
java A1_G4_t2 ./groceries.csv 0.05

2️⃣ Assignment 2

Move to the A2_G4 directory that contains java codes and dataset for Assignment 2.

cd A2_G4


javac A2_G4_t1.java
java A2_G4_t1 ./artd-31.csv 15


javac A2_G4_t2.java
java A2_G4_t2 ./artd-31.csv 4

You can use splitKDist by entering mu along with s=splitNum.

java A2_G4_t2 ./artd-31.csv 4 s=2