Trailblazer Whitelisted Protocols and Adapters

Adding a new Protocol to the Whitelist

1. Modify protocols.json

Open protocols.json and add a new protocol entry to the whitelist.

2. Example Protocol Entry

A new protocol entry needs atleast a name, slug and its contract addresses. Optionally, add twitter and logo reference. Logo must be stored under ./img. Ensure your slug is consistent with your project's slug used in Defillama if you are integrated.

    "name": "Name of Protocol",
    "slug": "name-of-protocol",
    "contracts": [
    "twitter": "@optional-protocol-twitter",
    "logo": "optional-protocol-logo.jpg",

3. Create a Pull Request

Create a pull request (PR) on GitHub to merge your changes into the main branch. Provide a clear description of the changes and the protocol added.

4. Review and Merge

Wait for the PR to be reviewed by the maintainers. Once approved, your changes will be merged, and the new protocol will be added to the whitelist.

Adding a new Adapter

1. Add your Project under adapters/projects

After the details of the indexer has been confirmed with the team, add your project's indexer in the adapters/projects folder. See adapters/adapters.go for interfaces and types.

2. Write your Indexer

An example adapter for tracking OrderFulfilled Event on the OKX marketplace can be seen here along with its accompanying test file.

3. Manually Test your Adapter by adding it to the CLI

First, add a new adapter in cmd/adapter.go. Second, add adapter to switch case of cmd/cmd.go's function executeCommand. Test out the CLI with go run . from project root.

4. Add a Test to your Indexer

Add at least one test case to your project's adapter. For an example, see here.

5. Create a Pull Request

Create a pull request (PR) on GitHub to merge your changes into the main branch. Provide a clear description of the changes and the protocol added.

6. Review and Merge

Wait for the PR to be reviewed by the maintainers. Once approved, your changes will be merged, and the protocol info will be added to trailblazers.