
Disabling shell in subprocess call requires arguments as list

atesca09 opened this issue · 3 comments

This commit 0fbd5ee broke the processing of fonts for me.

According to the python subprocess documentation, if parameters are to be passed to the executable they have to be passed as a list, otherwise if they are passed in the string they are interpreted to be the commant to be executed.

I think it should look like

import shlex
call(shlex.split('ttfautohint --symbol --fallback-script=latn --no-info "%(font)s.ttf" "%(font)s-hinted.ttf" && mv "%(font)s-hinted.ttf" "%(font)s.ttf"' % {'font': fontfile}))
call(shlex.split('python "%(path)s/../../bin/eotlitetool.py" "%(font)s.ttf" --output "%(font)s.eot"' % {'path': scriptPath, 'font': fontfile}))

Hi there, would you like to send PR to fix the issue?

Thanks! Released as v4.0.3