SVG transform (translate) is not taken into account (node converter) which leads to glitches
Th3S4mur41 opened this issue · 5 comments
Th3S4mur41 commented
The vertical line on the icon should actually go from top right to bottom left.
See following icons for some original SVG, that are fine as is, but have glitches when added to the font with node.
Looks like the transform (translate) operation on rect is not being taken into account
L2jLiga commented
@Th3S4mur41 is it reproducible only on latest version or on previous too?
Th3S4mur41 commented
L2jLiga commented
Okey, then I need to go dipper into svgo and element-to-path packages and try to understand why it happens..
In my vision problem should gone if you will transform your svg's shapes into compound path, because while svg font generating svgicons2svgfont transform they to path
Th3S4mur41 commented
@L2jLiga any progress on this?
L2jLiga commented
v1.1.4 released