
Program does not with with Python 3.12

goobersnoop opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm going to reference this issue here.

Distutils cannot be installed (to my knowledge) in this version.

Look at SETUP in the readme "REQUIRES AT LEAST PYTHON 3.7 AND PIP3"

Python 3.12 > 3.7? Shouldn't I always use the most updated version?

Ah, I'm not used to that version numbering, sorry.

In my experience with python, no, you shouldn't always use the latest version. Seems they don't care about backwards compatibility.

use virtualenv to sandbox the version

on arch create the venv with
python3 -m venv --prompt 3.11 env
then source as per normal

I'm sure that will work, but that seems like a bandaid and not a true solution.

I've submitted a pull request after fixing the issue. #319
I don't know when that'll get merged. Seems like L4G is busy IRL.

Until the pull requests get merged, you can make it work in two ways:

  1. Use a different Python version like 3.11 or 3.10. If I were in your place, I would have used virtual environments.
  2. Use the some-updates branch from my repo, which has the fixes.