
Having more than one Laguerre-Gaussian mode.

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Is it possible to add several transverse Laguerre-Gaussian modes to a Laser profile?

OK I figuered out, that the Profile class has an __add__ function which is inherited by the CombinedLongitudinalTransverseProfile class and basically does what I was asking for. But unforntunately the laser_energy information of the single profiles I combine is lost during that process. Is there an intended way to restore or keep this information?

Hey Jessica,

When combining the pulses you can also take advantage of the __mul__ and __rmul__ operators which allow you to multiply or scale the profile by a scaler. This would allow you to control the relative contribution of each LG pulse. Then reset the energy for the total pulse.

Another option is that very recently I added the same __add__, __mul__ and __rmul__ overload operators to the TransverseProfile. This should make the calculation much quicker. Again you would use the multiply option to scale the relative contribution of each profile, then add them all together. The laser energy would then be set when defining the CombinedLongitudinalTransverseProfile

Thanks for the answer!