
get_full_field function doesn't take polarization into account

JessicaTiebel opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I would like to use the get_full_field function to get the full field including the oscillations. While checking how Lasy deals with different polarizations I noticed it doesn't take it into account at all. This leads to wrong output, e.g. having oscillations in y-direction for an in x direction linear polarized laser.

ax3l commented

Hi @JessicaTiebel,

Thanks a lot for the report!

Can you please add a minimal script/reproducer of what what does not work for you and how you would like to see it changed? That will make this quicker for someone to pick up (or you can submit a PR if you like, too).

Hi @ax3l and @JessicaTiebel

Currently get_full_field method returns the scalar field, which defines the components via polarization vector as explained here. So indeed currently the output of the method corresponds to Ex component with p=(1,0).

It should be straightforward to add pol argument to get_full_field to allow returning both x and y components with account for phase-shifts due to the complex polarization values. Let me know if this is still of an interest and we can make a PR for that.

thanks for the response. Currently I am not using Lasy anymore, so for me it is not of interest. I was just playing around with it and considered it a little bit confussing that get_full_field gives the same result for lasers with different polarizations.