
Can't properly see the "Replace by 3D model" button on the Iso Layouts Editor

Opened this issue · 9 comments

The button does not fit the UI. We can barely see a tiny bit of its top portion, but none of the text label as it overflows the available window area.

I tried resizing the browser window, but still can't make it fit. I also tried entering full-screen also to no avail.

The only way to see a slightly larger portion of the button is by tweaking the browser zoom level, but that completely messes up the rest of the UI.

Screenshot from 2020-07-10 21-24-39

xesf commented

You should be able to resize the area with the mouse. The size will be persisted next time you open the same Editor Tool

I just tried it, but it also does not work. When resizing, the button still does not fit the available area:

Screenshot from 2020-07-11 12-39-25

Hmm, weird, it looks much bigger than in Chrome... I guess there's no specific styling on those buttons and it's using the browser defaults. I'll take a look at it.

Can you check if the changes I made fixed the issue for you?

It got just a bit better, but still not fitting.

Screenshot from 2020-07-11 14-03-14

I looked at your commit and tweaked the values. Making this change, it now looks good:

const infoButton = {
    margin: '1px',
    padding: '0em'

Screenshot from 2020-07-11 14-00-59

As mentioned in the PR, the padding that you see on those buttons isn't specified in code (html/css), so it's your browser taking liberties here. I couldn't reproduce the issue in any major browser. The solution probably involves understanding what could cause your browser to not respect the web standards (custom config? exotic linux distro? ...).

I haven't investigated this any further. There's nothing "exotic" in my distro. It is just Debian 10. I won't be able to look into this now, but I may do so later. Please leave this open as someone else may be facing similar issue or may know of a good solution.

Yes, I’m leaving this open, I only closed the PR.