
1.0_beta14 not responding to RTMIN signals

Closed this issue · 2 comments

FYI - I've been using git-22f089d (from 24Nov2023), which works perfectly for all my use cases. I compiled 1.0_beta14 to test it and everything seems to work except that sfwbar does not respond to RTMIN signals (e.g., to change widgets' button icon). I haven't done a git bisect so cannot pinpoint which commit is responsible for the regression.

Looks like one of the changes made triggers case sensitive (and lower case). This should be fixed in the latest git. Can you check if it works for you please?

Fixed in latest git, thank you. Everything is lower case in my triggers except for signal name. For example:

TriggerAction "SIGRTMIN+7", SetStyle "eject_button", "hidden"
TriggerAction "SIGRTMIN+8", SetStyle "eject_button", "launcher"

I think most users would assume signal name should be upper case.