
In-page notification

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Screenshots of the component
In isolation
Figma component:
In use
Figme design:

What should the component be called?
In-page notification

What is the component for?
What user needs does it meet? Who is it for? When should it be used? When shouldn't it be used?
When a user takes and action the in-page notification displays confirmation that the action has taken place. Action links in the notification can be used to, for instance, offer the user the chance to undo the action.

The component should not be used for announcements - see the announcement element

Does code for the component exist?
Not as of 19.7.21; check with MTFH T&L workstream

Who contributed to this work?
Jaye @ wearefuturegov - original design
Rob Pearson @ Amido - figma component