
Install fails

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I installed the script on a clean Ubuntu 16.04 server and I get the following errors:


exception: CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection.

On frontend

the server responded with a status of 500

Sorry to hear about the trouble. Did you follow all the steps prior to installing the script ? Can you give us a step by step of what you did?

I followed the steps found in the readme with a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 VPS:

  1. Log in to VPS
  2. Create new user - sudo adduser (username)
  3. Add user to sudo group - sudo adduser (username) sudo
  4. Log in to new user - sudo su (username)
cd ~/
wget && chmod +x && ./

• Follow the instructions on the screen.

And then ran: ./

Can you check out these posts to see if anything helps? is mysql running? What inputs did you add on the original screen? Can you try again on another VPS and log your inputs?