
Activty browser is not opening due to brightway2 directory path issue

nikhilsampathrao opened this issue · 2 comments

Added by @marc-vdm:


My colleaque was working on AB. He has created projects in the AB.
Now i wanted to takeover his work and continue working in the same AB with projects and database he created using wurst.
First i was able to open AB but am unable to see the projects/ databases then in the AB user interface we try to change the brightway2 directory path in the AB to the previous user folder so that i can see his work. Unfortunately i do not have access to the folder which was used by other colleaque. Now due to changing the path of brightway2 directory in AB UI iam unable to open the AB. and iam getting the following issue in anaconda.

Activity browser error

I tried to delete the AB environment and recreated new environment again but the issue is same.
I would like to change the directory path so that. Iam able to open AB in my own folder so that i can create my own projects.
Now i would like to change the directory path back from PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'D:\Users\muh05871\logs' to D:\Users\nik83231\AppData\Local\ActivityBrowser\ActivityBrowser\Logs.

I would be very thank you full for your assistance.
with regards,

Hi @nikhilsampathrao,

Thank you for your message. It seems you have successfully broken your installation, which should not be possible. Luckily there's an easy fix for your issue: you can edit your settings through the ABSettings.json file, located in the following folder: D:\Users\nik83231\AppData\Local\ActivityBrowser\ActivityBrowser\

You can open the file in e.g. Notepad and edit the values, or, delete it entirely which should reset to defaults on the next launch.

This should get you on your way while we patch this up.

Kind regards,


Hello @mrvisscher

Thank you so much for your reply. As you suggested i have deleted the ABSettings.json file then again i tried in conda now i can open AB in my pc.

Thank you,
with regards,