
SParry is a shortest path calculating Python tool using some algorithms with CUDA to speedup.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



中文版|English Version


SParry is a shortest path calculating Python tool using some algorithms with CUDA to speedup.

It's developing.


SParry 是一个最短路径计算工具包,封装了诸如:Dijkstra , Bellman-Ford , Delta-Stepping , Edge-Based 等主流的最短路径算法。它也提供了基于CUDA的并行加速版本,以提高开发效率。

同时 SParry 还封装了自动分图计算方法的 Dijkstra 算法,可有效解决大规模图在 GPU 显存不足无法直接并行计算的问题。



下面是开发实验中通过测试的环境。也可以参阅 requirements.txt.

Python Version







cyaron==0.4.2 networkx==2.5 numpy==1.19.4 pycuda==2019.1.2 pynvml==8.0.4


直接下载文件包,即可在主目录中运行 pretreat.py 中的 read() 函数预处理数据,然后就可以放入 calc() 接口函数。





我们对此工具进行了大量的测试,在测试结果中无错误情况发生,统计了各个算法在部分图上计算**单源最短路径问题(SSSP)和全源最短路径问题(APSP)**的用时情况和串并行加速比。下面展示平均度为 4 时,各算法随结点数量变化的用时变化情况,更详细的数据请查阅 SParry/testResult


SSSP time consumption by degree=4


SSSP speedup ratio by degree=4


APSP time consumption by degree=4


APSP speedup ratio by degree=4


本节是帮助 SParry 新手快速上手的简介。同时你也可以查看demo.py

step1. cd 到当前根目录

cd XXX/SParry/

step2. 导入计算接口


当您的图数据在内存中并符合邻接矩阵数据要求 时,可以像下面一样导入您的数据,快速计算结果。

>>> from calc import calc
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pretreat import read
>>> matrix = np.array([[0,1,2,3],[1,0,2,3],[2,2,0,4],[3,3,4,0]], dtype = np.int32) # 邻接矩阵的数据
>>> matrix # 模拟已经拥有了一个邻接矩阵的图数据
array([[0, 1, 2, 3],
       [1, 0, 2, 3],
       [2, 2, 0, 4],
       [3, 3, 4, 0]], dtype=int32)
>>> graph = read(matrix = matrix, # 传入的数据是邻接矩阵
...              method = "dij", # 计算方法使用 Dijkstra
...              detail = True # 记录图中的详细信息
...             ) # 处理图数据
>>> # 计算的最短路径
>>> res = calc(graph = graph, # 传入图数据的类
...            useCUDA = True, # 使用 CUDA 加速
...            srclist = 0, # 设置源点为 0 号结点
...            )
>>> res.dist # 输出最短路径
array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int32)
>>> print(res.display()) # 打印相关参数

[+] the number of vertices in the Graph:                n = 4,
[+] the number of edges(directed) in the Graph:         m = 16,
[+] the max edge weight in the Graph:                   MAXW = 4,
[+] the min edge weight in the Graph:                   MINW = 0,
[+] the max out degree in the Graph:                    degree(0) = 4,
[+] the min out degree in the Graph:                    degree(0) = 4,
[+] the average out degree of the Graph:                avgDegree = 4.0,
[+] the directed of the Graph:                          directed = Unknown,
[+] the method of the Graph:                            method = dij.

[+] calc the shortest path timeCost = 0.017 sec
>>> res.drawPath() # 红色的线表示此条边在最短路径上;橙色的点为源点;箭头表示边的方向;边上的数字表示边权。



当您的图数据在内存中并符合CSR数据要求 时,可以像下面一样导入您的数据,快速计算结果。

>>> from calc import calc
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pretreat import read
>>> CSR = np.array([np.array([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]), 
...                 np.array([1, 2, 3, 1]), 
...                 np.array([1, 3, 4, 5])])
>>> CSR # 模拟已经拥有了CSR格式是图数据
array([array([0, 2, 3, 4, 4]), array([1, 2, 3, 1]), array([1, 3, 4, 5])],
>>> graph = read(CSR = CSR, # 传入的数据类型是 CSR
...              method = "delta", # 使用的算法为 delta-stepping
...              detail = True) # 记录图中的详细信息
>>> # 计算的最短路径
>>> res = calc(graph = graph, # 传入的图数据类
...            useCUDA = True, # 使用 CUDA 并行加速
...            srclist = 0) # 源点为 0 号结点
>>> res.dist
array([0, 1, 3, 5], dtype=int32)
>>> print(res.display()) # 打印相关参数

[+] the number of vertices in the Graph:                n = 4,
[+] the number of edges(directed) in the Graph:         m = 4,
[+] the max edge weight in the Graph:                   MAXW = 5,
[+] the min edge weight in the Graph:                   MINW = 1,
[+] the max out degree in the Graph:                    degree(0) = 2,
[+] the min out degree in the Graph:                    degree(3) = 0,
[+] the average out degree of the Graph:                avgDegree = 1.0,
[+] the directed of the Graph:                          directed = Unknown,
[+] the method of the Graph:                            method = delta.

[+] calc the shortest path timeCost = 0.007 sec


当您的图数据在内存中并符合edgeSet数据要求 时,可以像下面一样导入您的数据,快速计算结果。

>>> from calc import calc
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pretreat import read
>>> edgeSet = [[0, 0, 2, 1], # 每条边的起始点
...            [1, 3, 1, 3], # 每条边的结束点
...            [1, 2, 5, 4]] # 每条边的权值
>>> edgeSet # 模拟已经拥有了edgeSet格式是图数据
[[0, 0, 2, 1], [1, 3, 1, 3], [1, 2, 5, 4]]
>>> graph = read(edgeSet = edgeSet, # 传入的图数据是 edgeSet
...              detail = True) # 需要记录图中的数据
>>> # 计算的最短路径
>>> res = calc(graph = graph, # 传入的图数据类
...            useCUDA = False, # 使用 CPU 串行计算
...            srclist = 0) # 源点为 0 号结点
>>> res.dist 
array([         0,          1, 2139045759,          2], dtype=int32)
>>> print(res.display()) # 打印相关参数

[+] the number of vertices in the Graph:                n = 4,
[+] the number of edges(directed) in the Graph:         m = 4,
[+] the max edge weight in the Graph:                   MAXW = 5,
[+] the min edge weight in the Graph:                   MINW = 1,
[+] the max out degree in the Graph:                    degree(0) = 2,
[+] the min out degree in the Graph:                    degree(3) = 0,
[+] the average out degree of the Graph:                avgDegree = 1.0,
[+] the directed of the Graph:                          directed = Unknown,
[+] the method of the Graph:                            method = dij.

[+] calc the shortest path timeCost = 0.0 sec


当您的图数据存储在文件中并符合数据要求时 (文件数据),您也可以传入文件来计算最短路径。

本例子中的文件如下, test.txt

4 6
0 1 1
0 2 2
0 3 3
1 2 2
1 3 3
2 3 4


>>> from calc import calc
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pretreat import read
>>> filename = "./data/test.txt" # 存储图数据的文件路径
>>> graph = read(filename = filename, # 传入的数据是文件
...              method = "spfa", # 使用的算法是 spfa
...              detail = True, # 记录图中的细节
...              directed = False) # 图为无向图
>>> res = calc(graph = graph, # 传入的图数据类
...            useCUDA = True, # 使用 CUDA 并行加速
...            srclist = 0) # 源点为 0 号结点
>>> res.dist # calculated shortest path
array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int32)
>>> print(res.display()) # 打印相关参数

[+] the number of vertices in the Graph:                n = 4,
[+] the number of edges(directed) in the Graph:         m = 12,
[+] the max edge weight in the Graph:                   MAXW = 4,
[+] the min edge weight in the Graph:                   MINW = 1,
[+] the max out degree in the Graph:                    degree(0) = 3,
[+] the min out degree in the Graph:                    degree(0) = 3,
[+] the average out degree of the Graph:                avgDegree = 3.0,
[+] the directed of the Graph:                          directed = False,
[+] the method of the Graph:                            method = spfa.

[+] calc the shortest path timeCost = 0.002 sec
>>> res.drawPath() # 红色的线表示此条边在最短路径上;橙色的点为源点;箭头表示边的方向;边上的数字表示边权。



关于伪代码请查阅这里 pseudocode
