
Reconciliation of places to link objects to places

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Cataloguer or other metadata experts

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As a user I want to link places names present in my bibliographical records to places names from a controlled vocabulary such as GeoNames. Before doing so I will need to consolidate places names using a selection of criteria such as name match, type of geographic feature, population, and the origin of the metadata record.

Useful reference (Freire et al. 2011) N. Freire, J. Borbinha, P. Calado, B. Martins. A Metadata Geoparsing System for Place Name Recognition and Resolution in Metadata Records. ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1998076.1998140

##Related use cases

[https://github.com//issues/40] this use case defines the goals for matching like the one from this use case.

Mentions #40