
As a customer, I want to purchase tickets for an event, so that I can attend the event.

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You can add here some details about the user story that do not fit in the short title, associated non-functional requirements, etc.

  • one or more tickets
  • electronic payment

User interface mockups

Add a draft of the corresponding user interfaces, a simple mockup or draft, if applicable (see also slides of theoretical classes).

Acceptance tests

For each user story you should write also the acceptance tests (textually in Gherkin), i.e., a description of scenarios (situations) that will help to confirm that the system satisfies the requirements addressed by the user story (see also slides of theoretical classes).

Given ...
When  ...
Then ...

Value and effort

Add a rough indication of the value of the user story to the customers (e.g. MoSCoW method) and the team should add an estimation of the effort to implement it, for example, using t-shirt sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL).

User stories