
Update to README and files

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for writing this code @LHardwick-git :)

As per the details in this thread:


Can you please update the README to reflect the changes in newer versions of Venus OS and replace dbus-i2c.py with the updated one from kwindrem?


Instead of step 3 being:

create a symlink from /service/dbus-i2c to /opt/victronenergy/dbus-i2c/service
ln -s /opt/victronenergy/dbus-i2c/service /service/dbus-i2c

it needs to be

mkdir /opt/victronenergy/service/dbus-i2c
cp -r /opt/victronenergy/dbus-i2c/service/* /opt/victronenergy/service/dbus-i2c/

In Step 4, additional files need to be made executable:

chmod a+x dbus-i2c/dbus-i2c.py
chmod a+x /service/dbus-i2c/run

And add a step to comment out the lines related to the 1 Wire Sensor if it isn't in use so an unused sensor is not listed in the devices and displayed in the Pages/Tiles.



Also, a NOTE to say that this mod is not persistent. If you update Venus OS, you need to do it all again.

It would be great if you could work with @kwindrem to make this part of his Package Manager to automate the install process and also make it auto-reinstall following an update to Venus OS.


I have updated the files and the readme to address these issues.
I have not been able to test the changes.