Tournament branch won't run with new rlbot gui
oxrock opened this issue · 1 comments
I'm not seeing anything useful in the console but I'm posting it anyway. I've waited several minutes just in case compiling was taking a really long time or something. The bot never makes any movements.
console log:
Launching RLBot binary with args ['D:\coding projects\RLBot\gui\Python\lib\site-packages\rlbot\dll\RLBot.exe', '23233', '',
INFO:rlbot[ - ensure_rlbot_gateway_started() ] Python started RLBot.exe with process id 9036 and port 23233
INFO:rlbot[ - launch_rocket_league() ] Launching Rocket League with args: ['-rlbot', 'RLBot_ControllerURL=
3233', '-nomovie']
RLBot.exe shared memory initialized.
Setting up soccer geometry for ball prediction...
Ball Prediction Service Started
RLBot.exe trying to connect to Rocket League on port 23233...
RLBot.exe Connected successfully to port 23233 !
Signaling that interface dlls may begin communicating.
Current prediction is empty.
INFO:rlbot[ - wait_until_loaded() ] DLL is initialized!
INFO:rlbot[ - start_match() ] Python attempting to start match.
INFO:rlbot[ - wait_until_loaded() ] DLL is initialized!
Handling match start message which originated locally and which will apply locally.
Starting match with command open EuroStadium_Rainy_P?game=TAGame.GameInfo_Soccar_TA?noreplay?Playtest?GameTags=PlayerCount8,UnlimitedTime
Spawning bot 0 on team 0 with primary color rgb(12, 136, 252). Is rlbot? 1
Spawning bot 1 on team 1 with primary color rgb(252, 124, 12). Is rlbot? 1
INFO:rlbot[ - wait_until_valid_packet() ] Waiting for valid packet...
Game spawn detected at payload count 1
Zeroing numCars because we just got a fresh game spawn.
Clearing actor_id mappings!
Setting up soccer geometry for ball prediction...
Field spawn messages at payload count 1
GameSeconds is out of bounds. Front seconds 1.108333, back seconds 7.091645
We have a player spawn message ready to go, sending!
We had player spawn messages queued up when arriving at a pause menu, sent!
Detected player spawn. Current network role: 0
Got player spawn message for DisasterBot, actor id 38, command id 2
Associating player id 38 with player index 0!
Detected player spawn. Current network role: 0
Got player spawn message for DisasterBot(2), actor id 39, command id 3
Associating player id 39 with player index 1!
INFO:rlbot[ - wait_until_valid_packet() ] Packets are looking good, all spawn ids accounted for!
INFO:rlbot[ - start_match() ] Match has startedINFO:rlbot[ - launch_bot_process_help
er() ] Player in slot 0 was sent with spawn id 36787, will search in the packet.
INFO:rlbot[ - launch_bot_process_helper() ] Looks good, considering participant index to be 0
INFO:rlbot[ - launch_bot_process_helper() ] Player in slot 1 was sent with spawn id 48498, will search in the packet.
INFO:rlbot[ - launch_bot_process_helper() ] Looks good, considering participant index to be 1
C:\Users\oxrock\Desktop\disasterbot\util\physics\ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays,
called on (array(float64, 1d, A), array(float64, 1d, C))
vel_to_target =, direction)
C:\Users\oxrock\Desktop\disasterbot\util\physics\ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays,
called on (array(float64, 1d, A), array(float64, 1d, C))
vel_to_target =, direction)
C:\Users\oxrock\Desktop\disasterbot\util\ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays, called on (arra
y(float64, 1d, C), array(float64, 1d, A))
if - pad["location"], target_dir) >= 0:
C:\Users\oxrock\Desktop\disasterbot\util\ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays, called on (arra
y(float64, 1d, A), array(float64, 1d, A))
if, target_dir) >= 0.0:
C:\Users\oxrock\Desktop\disasterbot\util\ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays, called on (arra
y(float64, 1d, C), array(float64, 1d, A))
if - pad["location"], target_dir) >= 0:
C:\Users\oxrock\Desktop\disasterbot\util\ NumbaPerformanceWarning: is faster on contiguous arrays, called on (arra
y(float64, 1d, A), array(float64, 1d, A))
if, target_dir) >= 0.0:
INFO: bot1[ - wait_until_loaded() ] DLL is initialized!
INFO: bot0[ - wait_until_loaded() ] DLL is initialized!
INFO:rlbot[ - configure_processes() ] psutil.NoSuchProcess no process found with pid 12332
INFO:rlbot[ - configure_processes() ] psutil.NoSuchProcess no process found with pid 12332
INFO:rlbot[ - configure_processes() ] psutil.NoSuchProcess no process found with pid 13256
Seems to be working now