Could you add a "Tapped" event?
Closed this issue · 3 comments
First of all, very nice library however i'm still missing a tap event when the user taps the notification.
Hey Steven,
The LNRNotificationManager method showNotification:title:body:callback:
has an admittedly poorly-named "callback" block parameter that is called when a user taps on your notification. I'll change that to "onTap" in the next few days when I have some time to make things clearer but it is implemented. If it doesn't quite meet your needs do you have any recommendations on what might make it more useful for you?
Hey, thanks for the fast response, implemented & working :), used following code :
notificationManager.showNotification(title, body: body, onTap: { () -> Void in
print("Notification tapped")
Just so you know, I updated the callback parameter name to "onTap" in version 0.4.1, which I just pushed to the spec repo a few minutes ago.