
Tinkerpop SPARQL-Gremlin plugin not using Janusgraph indices

thevalzo opened this issue · 2 comments

I have loaded into Janusgraph an RDF dataset, creating a node for each entity having "uri" property over which has been defined a Janusgraph index. However, when I write a query like :
g.sparql("" "SELECT? x WHERE {? x v: uri" ".}." "")
i receive the following message: "WARN org.janusgraph.graphdb.transaction.StandardJanusGraphTx
    - Query requires iterating over all vertices [()]. For better performance, use indexes ".
This is strange even because in the Gremlinator paper the benchmark is done with use of indexes. How can i make the indexes be used in the query?

You will probably have to explicitly create indexes in JanusGraph before executing the queries. You could do this via the tool itself or by a groovy script. In the Gremlinator paper, explicit indexes were created for all graph dbs that were included in the experiments.

I have create a composite index, in fact as you can see below the gremlin query give back the result immediately, instead the sparql query doesn't find the index (in this example I use the force-index option). Is it possible that I have this issue because I use sparql-gremlin 3.4.0 with janusgraph 0.3.1 (probably containing tinkerpop 3.3.3)?