
Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Forge Connect

StyleCI SensioLabsInsight This is an CLI Tool to easily connect to your Servers from Forge. Actually it is Mac and Linux only!


composer global require lkdev/forge-connect

Than simply run to register your Forge Credentials. There will be encrypted and saved. You must define your own Passphrase

forge-connect register [YourForgeEMail] [YourForgePassword]

And now you can list all your Servers with:

forge-connect servers:list

And if you want to connect per SSH to one of your servers:

forge-connect connect [NameOfYourServerFromForge]


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email kontakt@lukas-kaemmerling.de instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.