
Wrong average Iter/s using Loop

Rombur opened this issue · 1 comments

Running the cxx example, I get:

./cxx-example -P loop-report 5000

Loop summary:

Loop     Iterations Time (s) Iter/s (min) Iter/s (max) Iter/s (avg) 
mainloop       5000 7.045677   373.599004  2382.346651   688.914363 

Iteration summary (mainloop):

Block Iterations Time (s) Iter/s      
    0       1192 0.500347 2382.346651 
 1192        554 0.500597 1106.678626 
 1746        438 0.500311  875.455467 
 2184        375 0.500901  748.650931 
 2559        327 0.501071  652.602126 
 2886        296 0.501226  590.551967 
 3182        273 0.501153  544.743821 
 3455        254 0.500952  507.034606 
 3709        239 0.500277  477.735335 
 3948        228 0.501816  454.349802 
 4176        216 0.501342  430.843616 
 4392        207 0.502409  412.014912 
 4599        198 0.500363  395.712713 
 4797        191 0.500792  381.395869 
 4988         12 0.032120  373.599004 

Since we performed 5000 iterations in 7.045677 seconds, I would expect Iter/s (avg) to be 709.65501257. Instead, we get 688.914363 which is obtained by taking the average of the 15 Iter/s value from Iteration summary. Note that the same problem can be seen in the documentation, Iter/s (avg) is 713.178697 but Iteration / Time is 713.044405839. The difference in this case is very small but in my code Caliper computes an average of 3.359519 while the correct value is 0.9769

Hi @Rombur , thanks for reporting. This is indeed unintuitive.