
Question about timer resolution increasing

Opened this issue · 2 comments

In this commit:

The timer resolution have been increased.
It seems that since this patch we need to add .ns to time.offset, time.duration and time.inclusive.duration.

This is not explicitly said in the Release message and there is still the previous way in the doc.

Did I miss something?

Hi @alkino, yes with the timer resolution increase we added a .ns to some of the internal time attribute names like time.offset and time.duration. This is handled transparently in the built-in config recipes like hatchet-region-profile, however if you're manually configuring Caliper with the CALI_SERVICES_ENABLE etc. variables and use cali-query to process the output you might need to make these adjustments. Apologies for the inconvenience!

Good point about the documentation though, I'll check and fix instances where I may have missed this.

I will add something new here: #458

Would be good to modify the release note here: https://github.com/LLNL/Caliper/releases/tag/v2.10.0

To tell the breakage for both of those features