
Add Repo Topics

jbjonesjr opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be awesome if this repo could include a code-gov topic to make it easily discoverable along other code.gov related utilities on GitHub.com.

Topics are now an even more prominent part of the discovery experience of GitHub.com (https://github.com/topics), and are being used to help users discover projects they may be interested in (https://github.com/updates). Creating a centralized place for code.gov repositories may also help in reducing duplication of effort as well.

Also, that would then make them more easily searchable on https://code.gov... how meta.

Awesome! Is there any sort of central list for standard topics? If not, it might be worth making one, perhaps in https://github.com/government/best-practices ?

Added (along with "gov"), thanks @jbjonesjr

Yeah, I think in general code.gov is going to be the ultimate discovery tool ( ;) ), but until then, i'd love to get people to auto-tag their repos with some sort of govt id (or multiple things: government-research, government-energy-lab, etc).

I'm still also manually curating this: https://github.com/collections/government, but that can't be an EVERYTHING list.

Nod nod.

Hey how possible would it be to get the LLNL Software Catalog (https://software.llnl.gov) highlighted there too? Of note is our exploration page (https://software.llnl.gov/explore) and the FedScoop article that was written about that work and the GitHub Universe talk last year (https://www.fedscoop.com/livermore-national-laboratory-open-source-github-2016/)