
Sample Track: Clips trimmed from Sample Track are not reverted.

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System Information

Debian Sid Cinnamon

LMMS Version(s)

Nightly Version

Most Recent Working Version

Versión 1.3.0-alpha.1.642+g6634cec12 (Linux/x86_64, Qt 5.12.8, GCC 9.4.0).

Bug Summary

When I want to reverse a clip cut with the knife or trimmed on the sides, instead of reverting the visible part of the clip or the trimmed fragment, it reverses the entire clip, and that is very annoying because I have to trim the clip again and even more so when I'm using a lot of Sample Track tracks and clips. Here I leave you a sample:


Expected Behaviour

Only revert the clipped fragment, the visible part of the clip, and not the entire clip.

Steps To Reproduce

1- Open LMMS.
2- Import an audio file into a Sample Track track.
3- Cut out a fragment of the audio or cut it with the knife.
4- Revert the clipped fragment.
5- Not the fragment is reversed but the entire clip.


Click to expand

Screenshots / Minimum Reproducible Project

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